Know The Hidden Secrets of Tibetan Singing Bowl

Secrets of Tibetan Singing Bowl

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In 1942 famous scientist Dr. Nikola Tesla said “if you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy frequencies and vibrations”. 

Now as you can see I've got singing bowls surrounding me and this is one of my favorite tool that I use to help people so why energy-wise singing bowls and how does it help.

I'll just share my experience a little bit of how I have used this tool and a little bit of why it's so easy so when we think in terms of energy frequency our body has a certain frequency of a healthy body is vibrating at around 68 to 72 megahertz.

When you are not well or when you add this ease or even a little bit stressed your frequency goes down to 60 megahertz or lower. Cancer cells have a frequency of 42 megahertz. If you are grateful if you're thankful if you just feel good you actually raise your frequency 10 megahertz and if you start becoming anxious angry then you decrease your frequency of 15 megahertz.

So it's really easy to raise your frequency with this simple tool all you need to do is just hit it really lightly, you don't need to be a professional to heal yourself. Just roll it from your left ear for some time and take it to your right to listen to it for some time.

What you're doing is basically raising your frequency and balancing your left and your right hemisphere when we are under stress.
What to do if we fill we're dis-balanced? all you need to do is

balance your left and your right hemisphere. When we do healing we actually balance the entire body with seven different sets of singing bowls and personally, I would like to share the story of a client who had Parkinson's disease so she had been suffering from Parkinson's for last 15 years and she was drooling a lot I wanted to help her with everything.

We tried all things but this was something that I had not tried so I had not even thought about using singing bowl at first so we just did the nutritional part and we're doing the energy healing and everything but not the sound healing.

So when I first did the session I was not even expecting any result honestly but the best thing happened, her drooling stopped instantaneously.

It was like as soon as I started within five minutes I could see that she was feeling better. Her eyes were moving better and I understood that this was it how it worked because like I said we are frequency when our body is not at ease or when we are in a lower frequency, when we are diseased when our body is at a lower frequency.

What we do? We just use this simple technique that has been around for 3,000 years. it's raising the frequency of the body without asking the permission of that person.

So when you do that you're raising the frequency of the sick person. They don't even have to try they don't even have to participate but the sound elevates the frequency of that body so when that happens she was not even aware of what's going on was being raised to a certain frequency, where her intruding stopped.

I know it sounds really amazing, I was surprised myself. so whenever you are a little bit stressed this is one thing that you can try. I know exercise food everything is a very very important part but sometimes all we need it is just a sound just a frequency to raise us higher Singles originated from the Himalayan foothills of Nepal and Tibet 3,000 years ago.


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