A Complete Guide of Tibetan Singing Bowl

What is Tibetan Singing Bowl?

Tibetan singing bowl is also known as a Himalayan bowl, healing bowl, yoga bowl, etc. It has been used for centuries for healing, meditation, and other religious purposes. Singing bowls are now widely used around the world for mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, stress reduction, massage therapy, chakra balancing, and music.
History of the Tibetan singing bowl, it is believed that the tradition of using singing bowl date back at the time of Buddha (600 BC). They were used by Buddhist monks to aid in their meditation and healing purposes. So it might be possible that it came to Tibet from India at the same time the Buddhism came to Tibet. But there is no text or written history about the Tibetan singing bowl.

How to choose a Tibetan Singing Bowl

Today I'm going to talk about choosing Tibetan singing bowl they're sometimes called Himalayan singing bowls at level one foundation level you only need one bowl ideally. You want a medium-sized Bowl by that I mean six and a half seven maybe eight inches across and typically I pick up an example this is a bowl which is about seven inches across the top.

This one is note G now these bowls have sufficient weight that you can put them on your client and they'll feel the vibration. they'll also have a reasonably deep resonant tone generally these are going to be in the third octave.

Now moving on to diploma level, you're going to need at least three bowls. Now some people like to build up a whole collection and as you can see that's what I've done here. There's something wonderful about having a huge collection of bowls but all you need is three bowls.

It is important that you have bowls that can create intervals that are harmonious and dissonant. So as long as you've got one Bowl that creates a harmony with one Bowl and another Bowl that can create a dissonance that's all you need.

Now it is possible to do this with bowls in one octave and you could say well that's the ideal but you'll have one bowl that's going to be a medium or slightly larger bowl from your first level. if you want to have another two bowls of that size that's brilliant but of course, they are quite expensive.

So some people then will have a larger bowl here and then two smaller bowls that will go with it and I will show how you can make the intervals with bowls of one octave or across to so for example in your level one perhaps you've got a G bowl like that when I was playing earlier now if you wanted to make an interval that's harmonious a perfect fifth is the most harmonious interval so you would want a C that's in the same octave so that here we have the C bowl.

Now the C bowls do tend to be quite large in the third octave they're always the largest ones. Sometimes these are nine inches perhaps even ten inches across. if I tap the C and then the G you'll hear the beautiful interval so if you have a / c the energy you've got this wonderful harmonious interval but you also need the ability to create a dissonant interval a sound that's really good for releasing.

It's a sound that it doesn't sound bad but it's kind of less easy on the ear and an easy one to do is to choose a bowl that is next to either the G or the C. because of a bowl that's very close in note will sound dissonant here we have the F so the F and the G is a second they' re very close so that is going to be a dissonant sound.

So I'll play those two now and once you have three bowls you will have the ability to make another interval as well because of course, I can play the C and the F together.

Now the C in the F those to make the interval of a fourth and that' s another harmonizing interval maybe not quite as harmonizing as the fifth but it comes close to it so I'll play those two.

Now you may have some smaller bowls to go with your medium-sized bowl and you can still make intervals that to go actually across an octave so, for example, I can pick a bowl I can pick any Bowl here that' s a third-octave bowl and I could also pick two that are in the fourth octave that' s a higher sound smaller Bowl much more the lower cost which is a bit of an advantage.

So here I have note B this note here is a G so it's a b3 and a g4 now these two notes together will make an interval and I also have here a bowl that's an f-sharp so I can just show how I can make the intervals with those.

So if I was to play this bowl which is the B3 and this bowl which when tapped is the f-sharp that creates a harmonious interval and if I take this f-sharp Bowl and I pay it to play it against the G Bowl which is a G for so the same octave. This is dissonant and fight if you have something that is sharp and you have the next note to it it's going to be very very dissonant because the notes are really close.

you can really hear the dissonance in that you can hear a kind of a wah-wah effect that' s created when notes are very very close so that makes a really brilliant set of three that can create both harmony and dissonance.

The Benefits of Buddhist Singing Bowl

We all have sorts of happiness and blissfulness a joy that never in should be found many traditional techniques of healing the body and the mind and the higher spirits. In this earth, the singing ball was again reinvented to use the vibration the sound of the singing balls so that we can de-stress ourselves can be joyful and enjoy the fullness.

Inside us the singing ball has two benefits one with our physical body and another with the mental body.

Physical body the vibration that is generated by the singing balls can affect the smallest unit of her life the cellular movements so it helps to detoxify the toxins accumulated in every single cell of the body. It helps in detoxification the second benefit with the mental body is related to the vibrations that are created in our brain.

The singing ball vibration has such an effect that it can tune our brainwaves to a state where we feel a state of peace and calmness the stress is completely eradicated the problems that come due to the stress and anxiety completely removed by the practice of the singing ball.

You can even hide your own self you can take-take a singing ball session or even listening from YouTube can help you the benefits are not just related to the physical and the mental body it also works with your higher self the psychic body.

We have seven chakras the major seven chakras can be attuned by using the frequency of the concern chakras we have seven balls that will help you balance the energy in every single chakra that will help you have better psychic health.

At the same time if you believe in spiritual well-being the spiritual well-being too can be achieved by practicing listening and playing the singing balls.

The singing balls are a major tool to come back to a meditative married to cool down the mind and to come back to a state of thoughtlessness the sounds of the singing the ball really help you to be quiet in your mind and land out of listening to that will ultimately take you in a journey of Higher Self Realization.

The singing balls seem as the ring as seem like the bill on the charge the bell on the temples and the monasteries the only purpose of making the sound is to work with the space element inside your body once the spatial lament is balanced all other lower elements automatically come to balance.

The Science Behind a Singing Bowl

The Himalayan singing bowl when I hit the ball with the stick I sent some vibrations through the bowl when I run the stick around the outside of the bottle I'm keeping those vibrations going because the stick is slipping and sticking to the bowl causing friction.

It's this the force of friction that sets more vibrations through the bowl keeping the sound going and making the ball sing we call this resonance when you put more energy into a system and you keep the vibrations going and the sound going the bowl then vibrates the air around the bowl and the sound travels. 

We can change the note that the bowl makes by changing the frequency of these vibrations if I have some water then the bowl has to vibrate the water and the note will change.

So remember this note now I'll add some water now see if the notes changed water is more difficult to vibrate than air so the vibrations are now slower. The vibrations give us lower notes and faster vibrations give us a higher note.

10 Minute Guided Meditation

Beginners Guide to Playing Singing Bowls

Read More: 
7 Life Lessons of the Tibetan Singing Bowls
Hidden Secrets of Tibetan Singing Bowl 


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